Defib First Blog

Defib First’s mission to prevent deaths from sudden cardiac arrest

Another great article on raising awareness about sudden cardiac arrest and the importance of ordinary people becoming Urban Lifesavers to restore the life of someone in cardiac arrest by applying an automated external defibrillator (AED). Minutes matter in a cardiac arrest and lives will be saved if urban lifesavers act promptly.

Sudden cardiac arrest is the most significant cause of death and public health issue affecting our community today and the majority of people are not aware of how easily they can save the life of another person and return them to their families.

Sponsored by Defib First, Urban Lifesavers is a not-for-profit established to develop education programs on how and why bystanders can safely use an AED. Thousands of lives will be saved as a result.

The national campaign to raise awareness about sudden cardiac arrest will be launched at Shock around the Clock Gala Dinner on October 9 in Melbourne. ANne Holland's book 'Back in a Heart Beat' which busts the myths and fears associated with cardiac arrest and explains why bystanders can safely use AEDs will be launched at the event. Support this cause - you never know, it might be your life or someone you love that is saved.

Urban Lifesavers know how to use an AED. Do You?

Critical care nurse fights to save lives with AEDs

Journalist Karen Keast's article in the Health Times on 18 August 2015 highlights the national awareness campaign for widespread accessibility to Automated External Defibrillators

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